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Quote of the week

 “The past is never dated. It’s not even past.” by William Faulkner. When I examine This quote from his book “Requiem For A Nun”, I don’t have words to say! It’s more like wordless images that float in my mind. The knowing is ancient and from the heart. —Sabrina ArtLife
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Part 1: Three Reasons Why I Paint

1. When I am painting, I am focusing my mind away from my day to day life,  and into another form of creative space. 2. Painting is a form of meditation, where I let my imagination run free. 3. And, of course I grow as an artist whenever I paint. It has never failed for me  to learn something new. Here Is a link I found on goggle search, to discover more benefits of painting.  Thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment, and or add your reasons for painting!

Finishing up some paintings


I’m back

Hi, I’m Back and yes it’s been a while. Back in May I got a bit out of balance, and I needed to step back to Rebalance, so I decided to step back to rebuild. Stay tuned for the next blood post -Sabrina_Artlife